So, I've been typing in my name/ URL when I leave comments. Tina, at www(dot)raisingscientists(dot)blogspot(dot)com

Turns out that if you go to that address, you do not get my blog. That www is what throws it off. If I have accidentally directed you to a wrong blog via my comments, I apologize! I am smarter then that... usually!


EcoGeoFemme said...

There is a blog with a very similar title to mine. When I set mine up, blogger told me I couldn't have the title I wanted, so I just changed it a little bit like you would an email address. It didn't really occur to me at the time that blogs don't really work like that -- they need to be more effectively unique than an email address. But whatever, that other blog and I both probably get more hits by having similar names and I'm sure we appeal to different audiences.